
Our Main Services

Leadership And Management Training
Leadership And Management Advisory Services

We Provide Management Training Services in the Following Fields:

Project Planning and Management
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Contracts Management and Negotiation Skills
Proposal and Report Writing Skills
Performance Management
Leadership and Business Communication Skills
Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing
Team Building
Business Report Writing
Life Skills and Career Planning
Emotional Intelligence
Conflict Management
Customer Relationship |Service Management
Financial Management
Basic Finance for Non-Finance Managers
Corporate Governance
Retirement Planning

We Provide Highly Innovative Advisory Services and Impactful Advisory Services in the Following Areas:

Business Set-up
Business Registration
We help organizations get through the complicated business registration process in Tanzania, so within few weeks you are up and running with all the certificates you need for compliance.
Business Plan Development
Whether you’re a start-up, or an established business, we develop tailored business plans for our clients.
Financial Systems Development and Improvement
Zana designs systems for your organization, as per your organization’s needs. We also develop financial regulation manuals.
Operations and Administration Manual
We analyse all the business processes in your organisation and develop a comprehensive operations manual, tailored for our clients.
Supporting Growth
Human Resources
We support your organisation to comply with all relevant HR laws and regulations in Tanzania, for hiring, reviews, downsizing and training. We also develop company HR manuals.
Strategic Planning
We develop and review strategic plans for all organisations so they are impactful and results-oriented.
Stakeholder Analysis
The environment in which your organisation operates in, has many actors in it. We help our clients map all the stakeholders, so they can form effective partnerships in order to achieve their goals.
Conflict Resolution
Is your organisation in crisis? Zana can help to mediate conflicts and create a culture of team work.
Exposure Visits / Local Hosting
To better understand the Tanzanian culture, business environment, and best practises, we host specialist groups to explore by organising travel, hosting and learning.
We do English to Swahili and Swahili to English for a variety of small and large clients.
Whether its donor reporting, or internal reporting, our experts can help you get this done on time.
Measuring Impact
Impact Measurement
We develop and implement measurement systems to monitor and evaluate the impact of your organisation, such as baseline surveys, mid-term, user-surveys, and ex-ante evaluations, including specialist M&E systems.
Baseline, Mid-Term and User Survey
We develop and implement measurement systems to monitor and evaluate the impact of your organisation, such as baseline surveys, mid-term, user-surveys, and ex-ante evaluations, including specialist M&E systems.
Feasibility Studies
We develop and implement measurement systems to monitor and evaluate the impact of your organisation, such as baseline surveys, mid-term, user-surveys, and ex-ante evaluations, including specialist M&E systems.
Market Research
Based on local knowledge and expertise, we carry out market analysis for our clients in order to maximize outreach and customer segmentation.
Community Needs Assessment
Putting the community needs first is integral to your success. We develop and carry out extensive community needs assessments for our clients in their target areas.
Project Evaluation
If you have a new idea, we have the experts who can carry out your feasibility study for your product or service.